tisdag 14 maj 2019

week 20

Hello wonderful parents and caregivers of the MYP3!
I hope all is well and people are starting to move on from what has been a very tough spring for those with allergies. Nothing major to report this week, just a few things.
The MYP3's are once again having a movie night, looking to build upon the success of the previous two. This will be held on the Tuesday the 28th of May and we will again be looking for volunteers to help with the night. 
So that you have time to plan we want to remind you all that the MYP3's will be hosting dinner for the MYP4's on Thursday the 13th of June. The students will need to stay late that night so be aware!
Thanks in advance for all your support. Please keep reading the blog and staying informed!
All the best,
Leighton and Carina 

Important information:

May 30th-31st  Ascension Day. Holiday, the students are free from school
June 3rd PYP transition to MYP. The MYP 3 will start at 8.10 -9.00 in the lunch hall.  PYP6 students meet MYP teaching staff and to be buddied up with MYP3 students for orientation. 
June 4th 13.00- Service as Action Celebration Assembly
June 7th UN Sustainable Development Goals Day (½ day at school, ½ at home)
June 11th Mentor day
June 13th MYP4 dinner hosted by MYP3 17.00-20.00

On Managebac week 21


MYP3 (math) Locus geo

MYP3 (math) Locus geo

PHE MYP 3A+B: Athletics Competition

MIS will be participating in the 2018/2019 Southern Sweden Sports Association Athletics with Bladins International school to be held at Hasthagen Idrottsplats on May 24th, 2019.

The tournament will start Friday morning from 10:00 and conclude at 15:00. There will be no tournament fee to participate, with an overall team trophy for the school with the most points.

MYP 3 A Performance on bass guitar assessment B

MYP 3 B Performance on bass guitar assessment B