tisdag 23 oktober 2018

week 45

Dear Parents,
                      Wow, what a start to the school year it has been. Im sure students and teachers alike are ready for next weeks break! It is a good chance to look at Managebac and see how the students are going. What are they doing well in? What do they need help with? These are all good conversations to have with the students and one of the positives of the continuous feedback. It is always better to prevent a problem than solve one! Make sure to check with child of any tasks they can catch up or work they need to complete during the break. Otherwise please relax and enjoy this time, ready to come back refreshed and ready to work till Christmas!
Carina and Leighton
Information  from Management

Students received the academic honesty policy last week. It is also available on skola24 under parent access. Can you please sign it and hand it back as soon as possible.  

Important information: 
(All new information is highlighted)  
Concert by Latin Skolan 23th October between 9.30-10.15 students to be at the alua at 9.20
Lockdown Practise 24th October
Volleyball in Lund 25th October Ten MYP3 and Ten MYP4 students will take part in a volleyball tournament in Lund

On Managebac week 45

Argumenterande tal

onsdag 17 oktober 2018

week 43

Dear Parents,

Information  from Management

Students received the academic honesty policy last week. It is also available on skola24 under parent access. Can you please sign it and hand it back as soon as possible.  

Important information: 
(All new information is highlighted)  

Lockdown Practise 24th October
Volleyball in Lund 25th October Ten MYP3 and Ten MYP4 students will take part in a volleyball tournament in Lund

On Managebac week 43

Science - Unit test

Students will have an end of topic test on the content and skills they have experienced throughout the unit. They will be based on the 3 strands of Objective A and will last approximately 60 minutes. There will be 4 questions (2 for strand (i) and 1 each for strands (ii and iii) and will be assessed using Criterion A for MYP2/3

 Swe Test

Summative assessment.

A summative assessment as outlined.

MYP3 SPANISH Oral Presentation

A project guide has been share with students in Classroom


Min Familj Test

Upload Music Process Journal assessment D

Design - Objective B Task - Developing ideas for a solution

There are a number of separate activities task you need to complete for Objective B - the common feature being that they are all concerned with developing your final ideas into your final product. The task sheet can be found on Google Classroom.

tisdag 9 oktober 2018

week 42

Dear Parents,
                     A BIG thank you to all the parents and students that brought along the delicious food on Friday. We had a great day where we learnt a lot and ate even more! A recipe book will need to be collected! Here's hoping that all future events are this well supported.
Thanks Carina and Leighton

Information  from Management

Students received the academic honesty policy last week. It is also available on skola24 under parent access. Can you please sign it and hand it back as soon as possible.  

Important information: 
(All new information is highlighted)  

IB grades Transfer Tuesday 9th Oct 1700
Lockdown Practise 24th October
Volleyball in Lund 25th October Ten MYP3 and Ten MYP4 students will take part in a volleyball tournament in Lund

On Managebac week 41

Rabbit Proof Fence

An examination of the film Rabbit Proof Fence, the reaction to it both by film reviewers and editorial op ed. Students should organise their analysis in such way that their essay portrays an objective response based on a critical position formed by reading and reflection.

Science - Research task - Infertility and IVF

Students will be tasked to research the issues regarding the problem of infertility and the how they can solve it using IVF (In vitro fertilization). They will need to produce an infographic-style poster that explains how the technology behind IVF works and why that makes it suitable for infertility. They will also need to consider the implications of using IVF technology on one other 'factor/knowledge area'. I will assess the task using Criterion D. The infographics need to be exported to a pdf file format and then uploaded to both Managebac and Google Classroom

Finding A Place assessment

An assessment based on the statement of inquiry including material which is related to content from the unit

tisdag 2 oktober 2018

Week 41

Dear Parents,

Parents can you please remind students that going off premises at anytime without signing out is a very dangerous idea. In case of a fire alarm or any other emergency it is crucial we know where students are at all times. There have been a number of students leaving the school at lunch time which can cause a risk for many people.

Information  from Management

Students will be receiving the academic honesty policy this week. It is also available on skola24 under parent access. Can you please sign it and hand it back as soon as possible.  

Important information: 
(All new information is highlighted)  

Celebrating Diversity Day 5th October

IB grades Transfer Tuesday 9th Oct 1700

Lockdown Practise 24th October

On Managebac week 41

Stem cells and ethics

Objective D(ii) - Practice task

“discuss and analyze the implications of using stem cells and their application to solve the problems related to diabetes type I and the interaction their ethical use”.

This task is designed to get you to practice the skill of discussing and evaluating in an Objective D assignment.

Read all the information, and complete all the tasks (on Google Classroom), to see how you should structure your response to this assessment objective.

Algebraic models (Cr. A)

Friendship - Presentation

Algebraic models (Cr. C & D)

Written test assessement A

Written test assessement A