tisdag 17 december 2019

week 51

Dear Parents,

Thank you for your support this year and we look forward to working with you and your children in the coming year.

We wish you all Happy Holidays. 

Leighton and Carina

Information from Management:
End of Term Letter to Parents

Important information:

Ugly Holiday Sweater Day: December 18, for all staff and students!
Last Day of Term: December 20 1/2 day of school 08.00-12.00.Lunch included for students.
Spring Term begins  January 9, according to schedule

On Managebac week 2

torsdag 12 december 2019

Week 50

Dear Parents,

Every Friday there will be  Advents fika in Håkans Cafe for the students to pop in, have some pepparkaka and glögg

Leighton and Carina

Important information:

Lucia Celebration December 13 9.50-10.15 in the Lunch Hall 
Ugly Holiday Sweater Day: December 18, for all staff and students!
Last Day of Term: December 20 1/2 day of school 08.00-12.00.Lunch included for students.
Spring Term begins  January 9, according to schedule

On Managebac week 51

MYP 1-4 LAQ Swe Muntligt prov

MYP 4 Swe Lang Lit Krönika

MYP4B Design - Evaluating the final solution and developing improvements

MYP 1-4 LAQ Swe Skriftligt prov

tisdag 3 december 2019

week 49

Dear Parents,

Every Friday there will be  Advents fika in Håkans Cafe for the students to pop in, have some pepparkaka and glögg

Leighton and Carina

Important information:

Visit from Borgar skolan December 6 14.00-14.50
Nobel Day December 10 
Lucia Celebration December 13 9.45-10.15 in the Lunch Hall 

On Managebac week 50


MYP4 French Test

Paraphrase - represent an idea - taking action

Paraphrase in an optional technique

Process journal

MYP4A - Eng.LL

Make a Party


Eleverna tilldelas rollerna "diskussionsledare", "persongranskare", och "Sammanfattare" och förbereder material för sin roll enligt en mall. Sedan presenterar de sina delar och diskuterar utifrån det som presenterar och utifrån de frågor som diskussionsledaren formulerar.

tisdag 19 november 2019

week 47

Dear Parents,
Coming into the last weeks of November we can see how quickly the year is flying by. Keep an eye out online for various open houses that gymnasiums are holding to get information for your child. There are many many good options availible and we should all have a back up plan just in case.
A heads up, we will as a staff be talking about developing a plan for students who hand work in late. Some assignments of late have been handed in days and weeks late. Teachers are looking to become more consistent with this and there might be some nasty wake up calls to some students. Time management is a skill a lot of students can work on!
Every Friday there will be  Advents fika in Håkans Cafe for the students to pop in, have some pepparkaka and glögg
Leighton and Carina

Important information:

Study Day November 26
Visit from Borgar skolan December 6 14.00-14.50

On Managebac week 48

MYP 4 PHE Skill Acquisition

MYP 4 PHE Skill Acquisition

MYP 4A Music Summative Assessment D

Test "Handbok för superhjältar" part 1

The students will answer questions on the content of a chapter in the graphical novel "Handbok för superhältar"


Eleverna tilldelas rollerna "diskussionsledare", "persongranskare", och "Sammanfattare" och förbereder material för sin roll enligt en mall. Sedan presenterar de sina delar och diskuterar utifrån det som presenterar och utifrån de frågor som diskussionsledaren formulerar.

torsdag 14 november 2019

wwek 46

Dear Parents,
                       Hello parents! One week back and it already feels like we never left. The weather is getting colder, but the workload is heating up! Speaking from experience there seems to be a some old habits are still hanging around. It seems school hours are being wasted and work is being done at the last minute! This produces poor results! Make most of the time in the class. Ask for clarification and help from peers and teachers! I cannot stress this enough. 
Students should be looking towards their community projects beginning their action phase or at least working towards it.
 Currently the fundraising is over 21,000kr with the 30,000kr target easily in strike. This is off the back of some and not all students. I need to stress that getting involved is crucial for the class to be able to participate in the trip. 
Enjoy a hot chocolate inside and we look forward to a productive week.
Leighton and Carina

Important information:

Study Day November 26

On Managebac week 47

MYP4A Design - Task C - Construction of product for testing by client

MYP4B Design - Production of 3D printed product or prototype

MYP4B Design - Task B (Developing ideas for a 3D printed solution)

Test - iconic pieces of art & paraphrases

MYP 4B Music Summative Assessment C

MYP 4A Music Summative Assessment C

Test - iconic pieces of art & paraphrases

Unit One Test

MYP4A Design - Production of 3D printed product or prototype

MYP4A Design - Task B - Developing ideas for a 3D printed solution

MYP4A Design - Task C - Construction of product for testing by client

Unit One Test

tisdag 5 november 2019

week 45

Dear Parents,
Welcome back! Did we just have a break? I felt like I fell asleep Monday and woke up in a panic Sunday evening! Either way I hope the students were able to take some time off and realx. Now, is the time to tighten the screws pull your socks up and get to work. There is still plenty of time to improve and turn over a new leaf if things haven't gone to plan so far, and there is still time to drop the ball if you slack off! On Thursday we will be going to Hyllie for the TODO where students can get information for next year. Students should be bringing home loads of phamplets and information to sort though.
A big well done to those that helped on movie night. It was a tremendous success, with over 4000kr being raised. The usual suspects of five students did a majority of the work, and it is important that other students contribute as well.
Till next week, stay warm and we look forward to seeing most of you for development talks.
Leighton and Carina

Important information:

TODO fair on Thursday, November 7 at 11-12. 
PST conferences November 5 and 7

tisdag 22 oktober 2019

week 43

Dear Parents,

I hope you are as excited for the break as we are! Until then there is still lots to be done.
The MYP4's will have plenty of work after break so it is important that during break they take some time to ensure they don't fall behind and catch up where needed. Whilst it is crucial that students take a break, they also need to learn to manage their time, and if that means catching up or getting ahead with classwork then they should spend a few hours here and there doing that. 
Hopefully your students have let you know about a raffle going on for the MYP4 fundraiser. This is a really simple and effective way to raise money. We have three prizes to give away and tickets are only 10kr each. The students have made a commitment to sell 10 each which would raise 4000kr if they do this! So please, ask them where the tickets are and hit up friends and family. The prizes are great!
Please check your emails for booking details for PST conferences on Nov 5th and 7th. If you have not recieved an email then please let us know!
Thanks and have a warm and cosy week.
Leighton and Carina

Important information:

MYP 4 raffle Drawn for the basket October 25 
TODO fair on Thursday, November 7 at 11-12. 
Autumn Break October 28- November 1
PST conferences November 5 and 7
Letter home for PST

On Managebac week 45

MYP 4A Music Summative Assessment B