tisdag 28 maj 2019

week 22

Hi parents and caregivers.
It's so close you can almost smell it! Projects are being graded, tests are being marked and soon the students can put their feet up and relax after what has been a busy year. It is an exciting time coming towards the end of the year to look back and consider and reflect on who your child was this time last year. Hopefully you will see (as we certainly do) the growth of your child. We don't see this day to day but when you look back at week to week month to month and year to year, you see just how far they have come!
Please remember grades are numbers, and reflect the work students have presented their teacher. They are not everything. They often do not measure growth, they do not measure kindess, not do they measure effort and character. They are simply a reflection of what they have shown the teacher. If your child does well, then great. If they have room for improvement, or the grade seems off from what you believe then ask your child why this is the perception of the teacher? How can this be fixed? Reflection is crucial in the IB and especially for MIS who value life long learners.
On that note, enjoy the short week, and the weather!
All the best Leighton and Carina.

Information from Service as Action 

Dear Parents, 
It is our pleasure to invite you to this year's Service as Action Celebration Assembly on Tuesday 4th June at 13:00 in the Aula. We will celebrate this year's projects, give awards and our guest will be Mohamad Aljounde, winner of the International Children's Peace Prize 2017. Mohamad visited us in October and greatly inspired the students before they had started their Service as Action projects, so we are truly happy that he will be with us to celebrate their achievements. We apologise for the short notice but logistics have not made possible to inform you before. We will be very happy if you can join us.

Important information:

May 30th-31st  Ascension Day. Holiday, the students are free from school
June 3rd PYP transition to MYP. The MYP 3 will start at 8.10 -9.00 in the lunch hall.  PYP6 students meet MYP teaching staff and to be buddied up with MYP3 students for orientation. 
June 3rd-June 7th UN Sustainable Development Goals lessons. 
June 4th 13.00- Service as Action Celebration Assembly
June 6th Swedish National Day No school
June 7th UN Sustainable Development Goals Project 8.10- 12.00 (½ day at school, ½ at home)
June 11th Mentor day 9.00 at the New School, Packhusgatan 1.
June 13th MYP4 dinner hosted by MYP3 17.00-20.00
June 14th End of Term Day 9.00-12.30

On Managebac week 23

tisdag 21 maj 2019

week 21

Hello there wonderful parents of the MYP, I trust you are doing well and enjoying the warmer weather. It is getting to our last full week of regular school lessons, with red days UN days, and mentor days. It is certainly a good chance to push, push, push, before grades are final. A reminder that despite grades being in before the final week, it is important that students fully participate in the activities provided including the mentor day, UN sustainable goals days, as well as the rest of the list below. ALL students are expected to attend the MYP4 dinner from 1700-1930 unless there is a reason as to why they cannot. If that is the case they will need to help with the preparation before hand.
Leighton and Carina

Important information:

May 30th-31st  Ascension Day. Holiday, the students are free from school
June 3rd PYP transition to MYP. The MYP 3 will start at 8.10 -9.00 in the lunch hall.  PYP6 students meet MYP teaching staff and to be buddied up with MYP3 students for orientation. 
June 4th 13.00- Service as Action Celebration Assembly
June 7th UN Sustainable Development Goals Day (½ day at school, ½ at home)
June 11th Mentor day
June 13th MYP4 dinner hosted by MYP3 17.00-20.00
June 14th End of Term Day 9.00-12.30

On Managebac week 22

Planet Earth in danger

Läsförståelseprov, "I Skymningslandet"

MYP3 (math) LocusGeo project

MYP3 (math) LocusGeo project

MYP3A Design - Evaluating the Solution - Task

Evaluating the Solution - Task
You will use a variety of testing methods to consider the success of your final school logo design.

MYP3B Design - Evaluating the Solution - Task

Evaluating the Solution - Task
You will use a variety of testing methods to consider the success of your final school logo design.

tisdag 14 maj 2019

week 20

Hello wonderful parents and caregivers of the MYP3!
I hope all is well and people are starting to move on from what has been a very tough spring for those with allergies. Nothing major to report this week, just a few things.
The MYP3's are once again having a movie night, looking to build upon the success of the previous two. This will be held on the Tuesday the 28th of May and we will again be looking for volunteers to help with the night. 
So that you have time to plan we want to remind you all that the MYP3's will be hosting dinner for the MYP4's on Thursday the 13th of June. The students will need to stay late that night so be aware!
Thanks in advance for all your support. Please keep reading the blog and staying informed!
All the best,
Leighton and Carina 

Important information:

May 30th-31st  Ascension Day. Holiday, the students are free from school
June 3rd PYP transition to MYP. The MYP 3 will start at 8.10 -9.00 in the lunch hall.  PYP6 students meet MYP teaching staff and to be buddied up with MYP3 students for orientation. 
June 4th 13.00- Service as Action Celebration Assembly
June 7th UN Sustainable Development Goals Day (½ day at school, ½ at home)
June 11th Mentor day
June 13th MYP4 dinner hosted by MYP3 17.00-20.00

On Managebac week 21


MYP3 (math) Locus geo

MYP3 (math) Locus geo

PHE MYP 3A+B: Athletics Competition

MIS will be participating in the 2018/2019 Southern Sweden Sports Association Athletics with Bladins International school to be held at Hasthagen Idrottsplats on May 24th, 2019.

The tournament will start Friday morning from 10:00 and conclude at 15:00. There will be no tournament fee to participate, with an overall team trophy for the school with the most points.

MYP 3 A Performance on bass guitar assessment B

MYP 3 B Performance on bass guitar assessment B

tisdag 7 maj 2019

week 19

What happened to the sun?
Our first full week back at school and already we are looking for holidays! 
A few things to start thinking about. The traditional MYP4 end of year dinner is happening and as usual it is up to the MYP3's to organise this. So far most students have been put into groups to organise various aspects of the night. This is something that has always been done and is important that we have as many students as possible helping. It will be held on Thursday the 13th of June at 1700 till 2000. This may not work for some students to come, however they can help in the preperations and orgainsation of the night. The theme is the "Oscars" so any help with ideas and materials will be greatly appreciated. The students will be paid back next year when it is their turn. 
Also we are still looking for ideas on what to do for mentor day on Tuesday the 11th of June. Students have suggested the beach with some games down there to keep it cheap. No doubt whatever we do we will love parent involvement. 
Looking forward to hearing your ideas.
All the best,
Leighton and Carina 

Important information:

May 30th-31st  Ascension Day. Holiday, the students are free from school
June 3rd PYP transition to MYP. The MYP 3 will start at 8.10 -9.00 in the lunch hall.  PYP6 students meet MYP teaching staff and to be buddied up with MYP3 students for orientation. 
June 4th 13.00- Service as Action Celebration Assembly
June 7th UN Sustainable Development Goals Day (½ day at school, ½ at home)

On Managebac week 20

Filmprov, Bröderna Lejonhjärta

Prov på filmen Bröderna Lejonhjärta


MYP3 French Reading



MYP 3 B Performance on guitar assessment B

MYP 3 A Performance on guitar assessment B