tisdag 22 oktober 2019

week 43

Dear Parents,

I hope you are as excited for the break as we are! Until then there is still lots to be done.
The MYP4's will have plenty of work after break so it is important that during break they take some time to ensure they don't fall behind and catch up where needed. Whilst it is crucial that students take a break, they also need to learn to manage their time, and if that means catching up or getting ahead with classwork then they should spend a few hours here and there doing that. 
Hopefully your students have let you know about a raffle going on for the MYP4 fundraiser. This is a really simple and effective way to raise money. We have three prizes to give away and tickets are only 10kr each. The students have made a commitment to sell 10 each which would raise 4000kr if they do this! So please, ask them where the tickets are and hit up friends and family. The prizes are great!
Please check your emails for booking details for PST conferences on Nov 5th and 7th. If you have not recieved an email then please let us know!
Thanks and have a warm and cosy week.
Leighton and Carina

Important information:

MYP 4 raffle Drawn for the basket October 25 
TODO fair on Thursday, November 7 at 11-12. 
Autumn Break October 28- November 1
PST conferences November 5 and 7
Letter home for PST

On Managebac week 45

MYP 4A Music Summative Assessment B

onsdag 9 oktober 2019

week 41

Dear Parents

Important information:
Study Day October 16
Autumn Break October 28- December 1
PST conferences November 5 and 7
Letter home for PST

On Managebac week 42



Läsförståelse och svar på debattartikel

The students will read a debate article on a topic that we've worked on in class and answer questions relating to the content of the article and be asked to identify the thesis, arguments and proposal for solution that the writer offers. They will also be asked to write a response to the article taking the opposite standpoint.


study guide shared on Classroom

MYP 4B Music Formative Assessment A

Viewpoint MYP 4B Summative

torsdag 3 oktober 2019

Week 40

Hello Parents and Caregivers of the MYP4,
What a busy week it has been. Students are starting to get results back for tests and assignments, as well as completing three days worth of ISA testing. Im sure the signs of stress are showing. It is important to remind students (as we are) not to get too down on grades early. Students should use these first tasks as a guide to what the “standard” is and adapt. 
With these “half days” students should also be using some part of their afternoon on community project and getting ahead with that. Finalizing their project proposals, contacting community members that can help and guide, as well as recording their process journals! There is never a dull minute for MYP4!
Also this friday is Diversity Day and students are encouraged to bring a dish from their native land to share with the class. Nuts should not be included and a list of the ingredients need to be created. This day is mandatory as students will be helping with the PYP and running activities so we need to make sure we are all here!
Otherwise have a nice week and rug up in this windy and wet weather!
Carina and Leighton

Important information:

ISA-testing 1st-3rd October
Deversity Day 4th October

Food must be labelled clearly with all ingredients! See attached link

On Managebac week 41

Organic molecules - Formative



MYP4 French Written Test

Listening test: Petter presenterar ett land

Listening comprehension test where Petter will present a country

MYP4 Eng. LL - Written Test

MYP4 Maths (A,B)

Organic molecules - Formative

MYP4 Maths (C,D)