tisdag 7 maj 2019

week 19

What happened to the sun?
Our first full week back at school and already we are looking for holidays! 
A few things to start thinking about. The traditional MYP4 end of year dinner is happening and as usual it is up to the MYP3's to organise this. So far most students have been put into groups to organise various aspects of the night. This is something that has always been done and is important that we have as many students as possible helping. It will be held on Thursday the 13th of June at 1700 till 2000. This may not work for some students to come, however they can help in the preperations and orgainsation of the night. The theme is the "Oscars" so any help with ideas and materials will be greatly appreciated. The students will be paid back next year when it is their turn. 
Also we are still looking for ideas on what to do for mentor day on Tuesday the 11th of June. Students have suggested the beach with some games down there to keep it cheap. No doubt whatever we do we will love parent involvement. 
Looking forward to hearing your ideas.
All the best,
Leighton and Carina 

Important information:

May 30th-31st  Ascension Day. Holiday, the students are free from school
June 3rd PYP transition to MYP. The MYP 3 will start at 8.10 -9.00 in the lunch hall.  PYP6 students meet MYP teaching staff and to be buddied up with MYP3 students for orientation. 
June 4th 13.00- Service as Action Celebration Assembly
June 7th UN Sustainable Development Goals Day (½ day at school, ½ at home)

On Managebac week 20

Filmprov, Bröderna Lejonhjärta

Prov på filmen Bröderna Lejonhjärta


MYP3 French Reading



MYP 3 B Performance on guitar assessment B

MYP 3 A Performance on guitar assessment B