torsdag 13 september 2018

week 38

Dear Parents,

We want to remind you that we need to keep MIS a nut-free environment. 

Important information: 
(All new information is highlighted)
Invitations were given out to all students on Monday the 3rd of September. If you have not recieved this than please ask your child.

Parents evening 13th September  17:00 - everybody in the Aula, 17:30- MYP 3 A214

Parent assessment workshops 17th September   
Study Day 26th September
Lockdown Practise 24th October

On Managebac week 38

(N.B There can be changes due to a teacher being a way or a need to postpone for an another reason. Don't forget to ask your child at home.)

Do you even reference bro?

The Roc

Analysis of the poem, The Roc using an oral presentation technique.

Keywords from the documentary