onsdag 30 maj 2018

week 23

Dear Parents,

Information from Library
The librarian wants the students to hand in borrowed books to the library. Please remind your child and we will remind them as well. 

Important information: 
(All new information is highlighted)

  • Fasting during Ramadan Please hand in the Ramadan form as soon as possible if your child is fasting during Ramadan 
  • Leaving Notification If your child is leaving school, please fill in the Leaving Notification form and hand it to us. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B4mQN3x8XeSgTUZKcGYwS1pQM1E/view
  • Leave of Absence If your child needs to be free from school the last week you need to fill in the Leave of Absence form. Please hand it in as soon as possible as the principle needs to grant more than three days of absence. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B3ZRvGoBfEhCa1Y3bUJZMTNUY00/view
  • June 6 Sweden's National Day Public holiday
  • June 15  End of School Celebration
  • Concert (parents are welcome): MYP 11.00-12.00
    Lunch will be offered to all students: MYP lunch 12-12.30
    Grades will be handed out at 12.30-13.00

On Managebac week 23

(N.B There can be changes due to a teacher being a way or a need to postpone for an another reason. Don't forget to ask your child at home.)

Music Process Journal Group B

Upload your music process journal in Classroom.