onsdag 16 maj 2018

Week 21

Dear Parents,

As it is Ramadan now the Management will send out an e-mail asking you to fill in if your child will be fasting or not. Please fill it in and hand it in to us as soon as possible. 

Information from management:
Visit from Italian student teachers During week 20, May 14-19 MIS will have visitors from Sportello school. The student teachers will be shadowing classes.
Information from  MIS Parent Association:

 Important information: 
(All new information is highlighted)

  • Please hand in the form for the school trip to Copenhagen as soon as possible
  • June 15  End of School Celebration
  • Concert (parents are welcome): MYP 11.00-12.00
    Lunch will be offered to all students: MYP lunch 12-12.30
    Grades will be handed out at 12.30-13.00

On Managebac week 21

(N.B There can be changes due to a teacher being a way or a need to postpone for an another reason. Don't forget to ask your child at home.)

MYP2 Spanish Test


Extraprov (retest läsförståelse, voluntary and not for everyone!)

Här är ett prov för de i MYP2 och MYP3 som är i Phase 4 och som vill se om de har chans att få ett svenskt betyg.


Vi kommer göra en presentation om en subkultur och berätta vilket språk som utmärker dem.