tisdag 4 februari 2020

week 6

Dear Parents,

Information from the student counselor: please print out two copies of the written confirmation you will recieve when you have completed your secondary school applications. Both copies should go to either reception or to Carina. 

I would like to introduce myself as the new mentor for MYP4B. I am looking forward to seeing all of the progress you have made so far with your projects on Friday.


Important information:

Spring Awakening is the name of a musical being performed at Malmö Latinskola on Monday, Feb. 10th at 13:00 - 15:30.  

Sports Break Week 8
MYP Upper-Secondary  Info Meeting February 4th 17:30-18:30

On Managebac week 7

MYP4A Design - Task B Developing ideas for a digital resource

The task is concerned with trying to develop ideas for your digital solution. You will need to set success criteria to be met, sketch ideas for your possible solutions, analyse the strengths and weaknesses in each idea and then decide upon your final solution, and then make a clear and detailed diagram of your final design solution.

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