tisdag 14 januari 2020

Week 2


Dear Parents,

Welcome back to a new term. This is the last term for MYP4, and it is very important that your child is up to date with all the assessments and deadlines. If your child has not yet decided which secondary school (gymnasie) to attend, there are still some open houses taking place in Malmö over the next few weeks. Please check the specific websites of the schools. 

If you have any general questions about the secondary schools or the process involved, please contact our new career counsellor Rebecca Farrar Kühn at 0768-567229. If your child wants to speak with her, she is available for meetings on Tuesdays. 

New teachers that have joined us this term: 

  • Monika Nizich Gyurcsek will be the Swedish teacher for MYP4 for Phases 2 and 3. Julia will be back after the sports break, but will be teaching only MYP1 and 2. 
  • Dawn Koester is our new special needs as well as Language Acquisition English teacher. 
  • Signe Jakobsen is substituting for Leighton until he returns. 

Carina and Signe

Important information:

Spring Awakening is the name of a musical being performed at Malmö Latinskola on Monday, Feb. 10th at 13:00 - 15:30. 

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