tisdag 19 november 2019

week 47

Dear Parents,
Coming into the last weeks of November we can see how quickly the year is flying by. Keep an eye out online for various open houses that gymnasiums are holding to get information for your child. There are many many good options availible and we should all have a back up plan just in case.
A heads up, we will as a staff be talking about developing a plan for students who hand work in late. Some assignments of late have been handed in days and weeks late. Teachers are looking to become more consistent with this and there might be some nasty wake up calls to some students. Time management is a skill a lot of students can work on!
Every Friday there will be  Advents fika in Håkans Cafe for the students to pop in, have some pepparkaka and glögg
Leighton and Carina

Important information:

Study Day November 26
Visit from Borgar skolan December 6 14.00-14.50

On Managebac week 48

MYP 4 PHE Skill Acquisition

MYP 4 PHE Skill Acquisition

MYP 4A Music Summative Assessment D

Test "Handbok för superhjältar" part 1

The students will answer questions on the content of a chapter in the graphical novel "Handbok för superhältar"


Eleverna tilldelas rollerna "diskussionsledare", "persongranskare", och "Sammanfattare" och förbereder material för sin roll enligt en mall. Sedan presenterar de sina delar och diskuterar utifrån det som presenterar och utifrån de frågor som diskussionsledaren formulerar.

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