tisdag 9 april 2019

Week 15

Week 15
Shorts weather? I think so! Things are looking up for the Easter Break. And boy oh boy do we need it! A reminder that Thursday is Community Project presentations for the MYP4's. This is a big day for them with this be the accumulation of 8 months of hard work. It will be a good chance for the MYP3's to see what is expected of them next year and build some ideas. 
Also we have a new fundraiser starting spearheaded by a different group of students which is great to see. Any ideas are more than welcome.
We look forward to seeing those of you who have booked in on Friday.
Please Please Please remember to bring back the "return to school form". There are a number still missing.
We will speak again after a belly full of easter eggs!

Carina and Leighton

Important information:

April 11th 11.00-14.00 MYP 4´s Community Project presentation
April 12th last day to hand in the Ramadan letter. 
April 12th PST-conference. Don't forget to book an appointment with your child's subject teachers if you wish. 
April 13-April 22 Easter Break
April 26th World Book Day

On Managebac week 17

Of a Revolution

MYP3A Design - Creating the Solution- Task

Creating the Solution - Task
You will plan for the construction of a 3D model/prototype of your final logo design. This design will then be printed as a 3D plastic model.

Of a Revolution

MYP3B Design - Creating the Solution- Task

Creating the Solution - Task
You will plan for the construction of a 3D model/prototype of your final logo design. This design will then be printed as a 3D plastic model.

MYP 3 A Formative assessment A

MYP 3 B Formative assessment A