tisdag 30 april 2019

week 18

Week 18
What a perfect day for Valborg! Not too hot and not too cold. Right in the Goldilocks zone. We have had one and a half weeks without phones and already students and teachers alike are talking about the positive effects they are seeing. Students appear more engaged in classes and there are better conversations among students and teachers. There have been some issues with the "grey" areas of the rules however, with respectful dialogue this will sort itself out. Below is a link discussing why less phone time is a positive thing. Please take some time to read through this.
We would like to thank all of the students who gave upp their lunchtimes to perform on world book day. It was an incredible production with songs from classics like Oliver Twist, The Wizard of Oz and the talented MYP3 girls playing the Titanic theme song (my personal favourite!). I hope this builds something for the arts in the future at MIS. It really was a tremendous performance, and I know the crowd with it's sing along had a great time.
Enjoy the day off tomorrow and see you fresh and ready to go Thursday.
All the best,
Leighton and Carina 

Important information:

May 1st  Holiday, the students are free from school
May 30th-31st  Ascension Day. Holiday, the students are free from school
June 4th 13.00- Service as Action Celebration Assembly
June 7th UN Sustainable Development Goals Day (½ day at school, ½ at home)

On Managebac week 19

MYP3B Science - Unit Test

Students will have an end of topic test on the content and skills they have experienced throughout the unit. They will be based on the 3 strands of Objective A and will last approximately 60 minutes. There will be 4 questions (2 for strand (i) and 1 each for strands (ii and iii) and will be assessed using Criterion A for MYP3

MYP3B Science - Global warming research project

Students will be tasked to research the issues regarding the problems that exist as a consequence of global warming and the how the problem could be solved. They will need to produce an infographic-style poster that explains how the technology/scientifc knowledge behind how the solution works and why that makes it suitable for reducing the problems related to global warming. They will also need to consider the implications of using solution on one other 'factor/knowledge area'. I will assess the task using Criterion D. The infographics need to be exported to a pdf file format and then uploaded to both Managebac and Google Classroom.

onsdag 24 april 2019

week 17

Week 17

Important information:

April 26th World Book Day
May 1st  Holiday, the students are free from school

On Managebac week 17

MYP3A Design - Developing ideas - task

Developing Ideas - Task
You will create several ideas for the school logo and then refining the selection to your final draft of the 'winning' idea ready to be 3D printed.

Developing skills in creating models in different techniques

MYP3A Design - Developing ideas - task

Developing Ideas - Task
You will create several ideas for the school logo and then refining the selection to your final draft of the 'winning' idea ready to be 3D printed.

fredag 12 april 2019

Easter Break

Hello Parents and Caregivers,
This is just a quick note to let you know of some exciting changes that are happening effective immediately after break.
This means that students will need to keep their phones in their lockers. Students are welcome to use the phones at break time (not in the lunch hall), however they are not allowed to be in the classroom. There is a number of reasons for this, mainly safety of students and staff.
We believe as an untied staff that this will create a more welcoming environment in the class, as well as remove distractions that so often plague our students.
If phones are found in class they will be confiscated and given to the principal who will then keep it for the day. Parents will be required to pick up their child's phone at the end of the day.
We want to reiterate, that as a staff we are in complete agreement about this and that this action is best for your child.
Please ensure that your child has a lock for their locker so the phone is kept safely.
We thank you in advance for your support and look forward to a phone free spring!
Kind regards
Leighton and Carina

tisdag 9 april 2019

Week 15

Week 15
Shorts weather? I think so! Things are looking up for the Easter Break. And boy oh boy do we need it! A reminder that Thursday is Community Project presentations for the MYP4's. This is a big day for them with this be the accumulation of 8 months of hard work. It will be a good chance for the MYP3's to see what is expected of them next year and build some ideas. 
Also we have a new fundraiser starting spearheaded by a different group of students which is great to see. Any ideas are more than welcome.
We look forward to seeing those of you who have booked in on Friday.
Please Please Please remember to bring back the "return to school form". There are a number still missing.
We will speak again after a belly full of easter eggs!

Carina and Leighton

Important information:

April 11th 11.00-14.00 MYP 4´s Community Project presentation
April 12th last day to hand in the Ramadan letter. 
April 12th PST-conference. Don't forget to book an appointment with your child's subject teachers if you wish. 
April 13-April 22 Easter Break
April 26th World Book Day

On Managebac week 17

Of a Revolution

MYP3A Design - Creating the Solution- Task

Creating the Solution - Task
You will plan for the construction of a 3D model/prototype of your final logo design. This design will then be printed as a 3D plastic model.

Of a Revolution

MYP3B Design - Creating the Solution- Task

Creating the Solution - Task
You will plan for the construction of a 3D model/prototype of your final logo design. This design will then be printed as a 3D plastic model.

MYP 3 A Formative assessment A

MYP 3 B Formative assessment A

tisdag 2 april 2019

Week 14

Week 14
Daylight savings and suddenly there are more hours in the day! More time to be outside, get your vitamin d and of course study! On a not so positive note, there have been some issues lately with deadlines and due dates. Students must raise any issues with the teacher before the due date! If they plan ahead a realize they cannot meet a deadline then they need to contact the teacher and discuss this. Teachers are reasonable people, that are flexible and empathic! However the due day is not the time to discuss this. Speaking of time management, it has been a great concern that a large number of students are arriving to their lesson 2,3,4, and 5 mins late. This is not ok as this absence is a distraction to the entire class. Please check to see that your child is coming on time and not one who is consistently late. Again it does happen, however some students are doing this 4 or 5 times a week, and others even more!
Either way, it is not long to the Easter break and we can recharge for farewell semester at Pildammskolan.
Carina and Leighton

Important information:

April 5th last day to hand in the "move with us"-letter
April 12th last day to hand in the Ramadan letter. 
April 12th PST-conference. Don't forget to book an appointment with your child's subject teachers if you wish. 
April 13-April 22 Easter Break

On Managebac week 15

(S) Swe LL, Assignment to be handed in: Tidning