tisdag 22 januari 2019

week 4

Dear Parents,

Happy week 4 parents and students!
It seems we are all getting back into the routine of things which is great. However, there are a few things we really need you to discuss with your children. 
1. Phones in the lunch hall are not allowed.
2. Students are being very loose with their language and  need to be careful how they speak in the school. 
3. Wrestling and fighting (even if it is a "joke") is not allowed in school. These things quickly and easily escalate. 
4. ALL staff in school must be shown respect.
Thank you in advance for discussing this with your child.

A big thank you to the students in MYP3 who have organized the movie night. They did almost everything by themselves and independently. 
Carina and Leighton

Important information:
January 24th 13.00-13.30 MYP Assembly 
February 8th 8.00-10.00 CO-design social media project through Malmö Högskola. 
January 29th 1500-1700 Movie Night
February 15th Study day
February 18-22 Sports Break

On Managebac week 4