tisdag 4 december 2018

week 50

Dear Parents,

Students in MYP3 are monitoring screen time in I&S. Please remind your child to record this.

Important information: 
(All new information is highlighted)  

Next CPS Wednesday December 5
Badminton competition in Lund December 6
Lucia 9:00 in the Aula December 13
Nobel Day December 10 8.30-14.40
Last Day of Term December 21 9:00-13:00

On Managebac week 50

Presentation - Lives and careers of famous world leaders

MYP3A Design - Objective D Task - Evaluating and testing your online game with your audience

There are a number of activities that you need to complete for the Objective D task - the common feature being that they are all concerned with evaluating your final product. The task sheet can be found on Google Classroom.


Swe L.A. Test: Läsförståelse av nyheter (Reading Comprehension) Criterion B

Swe LA Slide show presentation

MYP3B Design - Objective D Task - Evaluating and testing your online game with your audience

There are a number of activities that you need to complete for the Objective D task - the common feature being that they are all concerned with evaluating your final product. The task sheet can be found on Google Classroom.