onsdag 14 februari 2018

week 9

Dear Parents,

If you and your child like to do some activities during the Sports Break, please have a look at the link below.


Important information: 
(All new information is highlighted)

February 16 Study Day
February 19-23 Sports Break

On Managebac week 9
(N.B There can be changes due to a teacher being a way or a need to postpone for an another reason. Don't forget to ask your child at home.)

Written test

Written test based on the booklet and musical examples. https://open.spotify.com/user/rockspot2/playlist/2IWuZ8XrPP9VTFNnhjfx1A


Vi kommer läsa faktatexter med ord från uniten, och svara på frågor om dessa. Provet kommer ha samma format som nationella provet - för att öva/få en andra chans.