Dear Parents,
On the parent's evening following parents volunteered to be class reps; Eva Gloria (Gia's mum) and Dorte Rolighed Michaelsen (Laurits' mum). The students are not allowed to leave the school premises without a written permission from the guardians. Unfortunately this document has been delayed, but we will hand it out as soon as we get it.
Important information:
(All new information is highlighted)
- September 14 at 14.20-15.00 Photo Session MYP 2, both individual and class photo.
- Week 42 Swim test for new students and for those who failed last term. Please see link below for the swim test and information about PE this term.
On Managebac week 38
(N.B There can be changes due to a teacher being a way or a need to postpone for an another reason. Don't forget to ask your child at home.)
Written test
Written test based on the booklet and musical examples. Spotify link:
Ni kommer att få intervjua en person, och spela in intervjun.