tisdag 26 maj 2020

Week 22

Dear Parents,

Important information:

June 2-3 Due to Covid 19 we have to cancel the trip to Hästveda
June 2-4 UN Days
June 9 Class trip to Ven
June 10 MYP 4 Dinner 17.00-19.00
June 11 Last School day 8-12

The schedule for the UN Days

On Managebac week 23

tisdag 5 maj 2020

week 19

Dear Parents,

Important information:

May 6 Swedish National Exam. 8.00-16.00
May 8 Deadline for Community Project submissions on Managebac.
May 21 Public Holiday- no school
MYP 22 Squeeze Day- no school
June 2-3 Due to Covid 19 we have to cancel the trip to Hästveda
June 2-4 UN Days
June 10 MYP 4 Dinner 17.00-19.00
June 11 Last School day 8-12

On Managebac week 20

Project MYP4 French

IB MYP French Phases 1, 2 (MYP 4)

MYP4 Math Formative

IB MYP Extended Mathematics (MYP 4)

Drama - Writing a Script

IB MYP English A (MYP 4)

MYP 4A Music Summative Assessment A

IB MYP Music A (MYP 4)

Process journal

IB MYP Visual Arts B (MYP 4)

MYP4B Science Summative, Criterion B/C Road safety investigation

IB MYP Sciences A (MYP 4)

MYP4B Science Summative, Criterion B/C Road safety investigation

IB MYP Sciences B (MYP 4)

tisdag 28 april 2020

week 18

Dear Parents,

Important information:

1st of May- no school
May 6 Swedish National Exam. 8.00-16.00
8th May Deadline for Community Project submissions on Managebac.
June 2-3 Due to Covid 19 we have to cancel the trip to Hästveda

On Managebac week 18

MYP 4 Swedish National Test

The final series of photos

IB MYP Visual Arts A (MYP 4)

Skriv en insändare om behovet av 21st century skills.

Insändare: A4/en sida, Talande rubrik, minst TRE argument för och minst ETT motargument och avsluta med en signatur.
1. Skriv en insändare där du argumenterar för minst EN av förmågorna (SKILLS) som du har valt.
2. Du ska kunna förklara varför just denna är viktig för samhället och för individen.
3. Du kan relatera till förmågans betydelse i skolan, fritiden och på en framtida arbetsplats.
4. Vilka tre argument har du?
5. Vilket är starkast och vilket är svagastVarför?
6. Vilket motargument kan du bemöta (respons)
Exempel på färdigheter att använda i din argumentation:
  • Lärande och innovationsfärdigheter (kritiskt tänkande och problemlösning, kreativitet och innovation)
  • Digitala läskunnigheter (information, media och teknikläskunnighet); och
  • Livs- och karriärfärdigheter (initiativ och självriktning, ledarskap, anpassningsförmåga).
Kan du dra historiska paralleller i din text?
Good luck!
Fundera också på hur du skall presentera detta muntligt/Google slides/För- och Motargument/Reflektioner

MYP4B Science Summative, Criterion B/C Road safety investigation

IB MYP Sciences B (MYP 4)

tisdag 21 april 2020

week 17

Dear Parents,

Important information:

1st of May- no school
May 6 Swedish National Exam.
8th May Deadline for Community Project submissions on Managebac.
June 2-3 Due to Covid 19 we had to cancel the trip to Hästveda 

On Managebac week 18

MYP4 Math (A,B,D)

IB MYP Extended Mathematics (MYP 4)

MYP4 Math (A,B,D)

IB MYP Standard mathematics (MYP 4)

MYP 4A PHE: Sport Anatomy

IB MYP Physical Education B (MYP 4)

MYP 4B PHE: Sport Anatomy

IB MYP Physical Education (MYP 4)

tisdag 14 april 2020

week 16

Dear Parents,

Important information:

1st of May- no school

On Managebac week 17

MYP4B Design - Task C Construction of digital resource for your client

In this task you major focus will be in producing a product that can be used by your client and then tested to judge its success.
You will be producing a detailed plan of what needs to be done to produce your solution, creating a visual diary of your work in progress and justifying any changes you made to the solution during the construction phase.
IB MYP Design B (MYP 4)

Short Story Interpretation As A Visual Animation

Choose a short story with a theme of growing and learning.
Analyse the story for structural organisation.
Identify significant language which directly communicates the theme to the audience.
Justify the choice of story you have chosen in relation to the theme by providing a number or examples as evidence.
Create an animated visual representation which communicates your analysis of the theme, the structure of the story and the relationship to the audience.
In this assessment, the audience may refer to you specifically or a general readership.
The theme of growing and learning may refer to a developing maturity or insight gained by either a character in the story or you or both.
In this assessment, you may use the short story text in the video to highlight the theme. You may use relevant words from the story either in spoken or visual form.
The evaluation part of this assessment will be in the form of a questionnaire after the completion of the visual representation.
Video length depends on the story but there is a maximum limit of seven minutes.
Cite all sources in MLA.
Sources will include author, publisher, year and place of publication. You must also cite background studies or written information in the visual animation.
You need to acknowledge all visual resources/tools/apps and you use in making the video.
IB MYP English (MYP 4)

onsdag 18 mars 2020

week 12

Dear Parents,

Important information:

Hello MYP4

A quick word on your Community Project.

With current events on Corona you may have had to scale back what you have been doing for your projects.

For the students who completed their 'taking action' part you are advised to continue with the reflection of your community project and ensure your process journal is complete.

For those who have not yet taken action and this involves meeting with people you will need to put your project on hold as it is a health risk. We are still deciding on an appropriate action on how to move forward with these cases. If you any concerns please contact management.

The final presentations scheduled to take place on 8th May have had to be cancelled because of Corona. We are still deciding on an appropriate way to celebrate the work you have done in a manner that does not compromise your health and well being.

Management have posted updates on Managebac in with the current school position on Corona Virus which you may refer to.

Thank you

On Managebac week 13

MYP 4 Lang Lit Swe Faktauppsatsen


IB MYP Spanish Phases 1, 2, 3 (MYP 4)

Love in Media

Interesting issues to touch on media and love:

Where do we get our notions of what love is?
What role do movies, TV shows, documentaries, books, magazines and advertising play?
How does today's supply affect us?
Can it give us prejudices of different kinds?
Think about whether guys and girls get knowledge from different angles and what if it means when a girl and a guy start a relationship. Does it affect the relationship?
Write down your thoughts.

MYP4 Math (A,B,D)

IB MYP Standard mathematics (MYP 4)

MYP 4B Music Summative Assessment A

IB MYP Music B (MYP 4)

MYP 4A Music Summative Assessment A

IB MYP Music A (MYP 4)

MYP4 Math (A,B,D)

IB MYP Extended Mathematics (MYP 4)

torsdag 12 mars 2020

week 11

Dear Parents,

As you are aware students should now have 'taken action' with regard to their Community Project and  should have completed their process journals. Students who are not at this point are behind in the timeline and must catch up.

As we move in to March we will begin to write the final reflection paper and prepare for the final presentation's taking place on 8th of May 2020.

Important information:

Enviromental Day Friday 13th March,  9.00-14.30
Study Day Monday 16th March
Borgarskolan testing MYP 4 students who are applying for the IB programmes. 
Tuesday 17th March 8.15-11.40

On Managebac week 12

MYP 4A Music Summative Assessment B

IB MYP Music A (MYP 4)

MYP 4B Music Summative Assessment B

IB MYP Music B (MYP 4)

torsdag 5 mars 2020

week 10

Dear Parents,

As you are aware students should now have 'taken action' with regard to their Community Project and  should have completed their process journals. Students who are not at this point are behind in the timeline and must catch up.

As we move in to March we will begin to write the final reflection paper and prepare for the final presentation's taking place on 8th of May 2020.

Important information:

MYP 4 workshop  Thursday 5th March, 8.00-11.00.
Food council Wednesday 11th March at 9.00
Enviromental Day Friday 13th March,  9.00-14.30
Study Day Monday 16th March
Borgarskolan testing MYP 4 students who are applying for the IB programmes. 
Tuesday 17th March 8.15-11.40

tisdag 25 februari 2020

week 9

Dear Parents,

As you are aware students should now have 'taken action' with regard to their Community Project and  should have completed their process journals. Students who are not at this point are behind in the timeline and must catch up.

As we move in to March we will begin to write the final reflection paper and prepare for the final presentation's taking place on 8th of May 2020.

Important information:

Student Council Wednesday 26th February at 15.00.
MYP 4 workshop  Thursday 5th March 8.00-11.00.

On Managebac week 10


MYP4B Design - Task B Developing ideas for a digital resource

The task is concerned with trying to develop ideas for your digital solution. You will need to set success criteria to be met, sketch ideas for your possible solutions, analyse the strengths and weaknesses in each idea and then decide upon your final solution, and then make a clear and detailed diagram of your final design solution.

MYP4B Design - Task B Developing ideas for a digital resource

The task is concerned with trying to develop ideas for your digital solution. You will need to set success criteria to be met, sketch ideas for your possible solutions, analyse the strengths and weaknesses in each idea and then decide upon your final solution, and then make a clear and detailed diagram of your final design solution.

MYP4 maths Formative

Formative MYP4 (Criteria A & B)

MYP 4A Music Formative Assessment A

MYP 4A Music Formative Assessment A

MYP4A - Eng.LL Written Task