tisdag 26 mars 2019

week 13

Hello parents, students and caregivers.
Not long now and we are at the Easter break starting April 15th. I know I say it all the time but the year really is flying by! The students are hosting a movie afternoon for the PYP students, and they have received a tremendous response. Our total is flying up and we well reach the 11000kr mark at the end of the week. Please feel free to share any ideas you think can help raise money. At the moment it has been the same 5 students doing a lot of the work with some help from the others. It would be great if some other students could take the load off these students. We look forward to seeing you on April 12th and please come and say hi even if we don't have a meeting booked with you.
All the best,
Carina and Leighton

Important information:
March 29th Vaccination Day
March 29th MYP3 hosting PYP movie night
April 5th last day to hand in the "move with us"-letter
April 12th last day to hand in the Ramadan letter. 
April 12th PST-conference. Don't forget to book an appointment with your child's subject teachers if you wish. 

On Managebac week 14

MYP3A Design - Developing ideas - task

Developing Ideas - Task
You will create several ideas for the school logo and then refining the selection to your final draft of the 'winning' idea ready to be 3D printed.

Developing skills in creating models in different techniques

MYP3B Design - Developing ideas - task

Developing Ideas - Task
You will create several ideas for the school logo and then refining the selection to your final draft of the 'winning' idea ready to be 3D printed.

tisdag 19 mars 2019

week 12

Hello parents, students and caregivers.
HOW GOOD IS THIS WEATHER? Bright mornings, longer evenings should result in more productivity across the board. I need to stress once again the importance of time management. Too often students are leaving tasks, studying and revision until the last minute. If you don't know it the morning of the test you won't know it! Please encourage your students to get outside while they can and enjoy the weather. Make sure they get time away from the screen and get a healthy injection of vitamin D.

Leighton and Carina

Important information:
Vaccination paper to be handed in as soon as possible
March 29th Vaccination Day
March 29th MYP3 hosting PYP movie night

On Managebac week 13

tisdag 12 mars 2019

week 11

Hello parents, students and caregivers.
Other than a rainy weekend it has been an incredible run with the weather. The journey to school in the morning and home again in the afternoon should be much brighter and energizing as we come out of the winter funk. On the 20th of March we will have equal day and night and we just cannot wait.
Students have had a busy week with assessments this week, and that will happen, but please ensure you encourage them to plan ahead and get organized to make this as easy as possible. Study a bit each night to get prepared for tests, plan your assignments ahead of time. Make a start early and have an open dialogue with your teacher. Talk with peers and have study times during your break or after school. There are numerous way to plan and get on top of things so that they don't pile up. Try them all and see what works for you.
Leighton and Carina

Information from MISPA

Important information:
Vaccination paper to be handed in as soon as possible
March 13th Environmental Day from 8.30-14.30
March 18th Study Day
March 29th Vaccination Day
March 29th MYP3 hosting PYP movie night

On Managebac week 12

MYP 4 Soundtrap presentation assessment C

MYP 4 Music Process Journal assessment D

MYP 3-4 Swe LA muntlig presentation

C: C and D

A Perfect World?

An assessment on Shakespeare's Twelfth Night

tisdag 5 mars 2019

week 10

Dear Parents,
Well then well then,
Before you know it we are in week 10!
The weather is changing and so are the moods of staff and students. Let's hope that with the brighter weather, comes an increased focus down the home stretch! We have are currently in the clam before the storm with March being probably the last "quiet" month before the end of the academic year. April is going to be busy with Spring Fair, (see link below), as well as Easter break, and more fundraising activities. Now is the time to get ahead and prepared!
Enjoy the longer days and warmer weather!
Leighton and Carina

Information from MISPA

Important information:
March 13th Environmental Day
March 18th Study Day
March 29th Hand in Vaccination paper
March 29th MYP3 hosting PYP movie night
On Managebac week 11

MYP 3 A Music Process Journal assessment D

MYP 3 B Music Process Journal assessment D

MYP3 (math)Triangle geometry