onsdag 25 april 2018

week 18

Dear Parents,

Please, find below information from Management.

Dear MIS families,
There is still a few more days for you to collaborate, as members of the MIS community, with the development of our Vision and Mission.
Unfortunately we have had low levels of participation so far.
Please click on the link below to take part in this short questionnaire. Closing date will be the 2nd May, 2018.
MIS Mission/Vision Questionnaire for Parents
Kristina Pettersson
Vice Principal/PYP Coordinator

Important information: 
(All new information is highlighted)

  • April 30 and May 1 are holidays and the students are free from school. 
  • May 10 and May 11 are holidays and the students are free from school.

On Managebac week 18

(N.B There can be changes due to a teacher being a way or a need to postpone for an another reason. Don't forget to ask your child at home.)

onsdag 18 april 2018

Week 17

Dear Parents,

Important information: 
(All new information is highlighted)

  • MIS Spring Fair: Inaugural Spring Fair. Welcome to volunteer or visit. 21st April 10.00-14.00
Dear MYP2 Parents,

As explained in the newsletter the Parent Association sent out last week, our April 21st Earth Day Spring Fair is just around the corner.

Please consider contributing to the loppis with a few books, pieces of clothing, household items or toys you no longer use. We are collecting things every morning of next week (week 16), in our storage room next to the PE hall.

We would also appreciate it if you had a look at the volunteer sign-up sheet where you can offer to help in a number of other ways:

Kind regards,
The Spring Fair team
+ your PA representatives 
Eva Gloria and
Dorte Michaelsen

  • April 23 World Book Day until 14.00. Normal schedule from 14.00-16.00. 

  • April 30 and May 1 are holidays and the students are free from school. 

On Managebac week 17

(N.B There can be changes due to a teacher being a way or a need to postpone for an another reason. Don't forget to ask your child at home.)


Music Process Journal

Upload your music process journal in Classroom.


Make your own song, with abeat & a rap. You can take the lyrics from another song. Use Soundtrap or Garageband. At least one minute long.


Eleverna kommer att få en given situation och skriva en dialog som tar plats i den givna situationen.

onsdag 11 april 2018

week 16

Dear Parents,

Important information: 
(All new information is highlighted)

  • MIS Spring Fair: Inaugural Spring Fair. Welcome to volunteer or visit. 21st April 10.00-14.00
Dear MYP2 Parents,

As explained in the newsletter the Parent Association sent out last week, our April 21st Earth Day Spring Fair is just around the corner.

Please consider contributing to the loppis with a few books, pieces of clothing, household items or toys you no longer use. We are collecting things every morning of next week (week 16), in our storage room next to the PE hall.

We would also appreciate it if you had a look at the volunteer sign-up sheet where you can offer to help in a number of other ways:

Kind regards,
The Spring Fair team
+ your PA representatives 
Eva Gloria and
Dorte Michaelsen

On Managebac week 16

(N.B There can be changes due to a teacher being a way or a need to postpone for an another reason. Don't forget to ask your child at home.)

Written test

April 17

Written test based on the booklet & keywords.

Listening test

Listening test based on the musical examples.

onsdag 4 april 2018

Week 15

Dear Parents,

Important information: 
(All new information is highlighted)

On Managebac week 15

(N.B There can be changes due to a teacher being a way or a need to postpone for an another reason. Don't forget to ask your child at home.)


Vi kommer ha ett läsförståelseprov som bedömer läsningen av texter som refererar till andra texter.

MYP2 French Written Test