onsdag 29 november 2017

week 49

Dear Parents,

Important information: 
(All new information is highlighted)

November 24 Study Day All students are free from school
December 11 Nobel Day More information will be posted later
December 13 Lucia Celebration. A8.45 MYP should be spread out along the B corridors on floor 1 and 2 to watch the procession go by.
December 22 End of Term Celebration
9.30-10.30 All classes meet in their home classroom
10.30-11.30 Concert in the Aula
11.30-12.00  Grades to be given out
12.00-12.30 Lunch
All students end at 12.30

On Managebac week 49

(N.B There can be changes due to a teacher being a way or a need to postpone for an another reason. Don't forget to ask your child at home.)

Written Test - How do you pass your time?

Atoms,elements and compounds-exame

Book Seminar - Anne Frank

Written - Marcel Marceau

Test will be given in class.

Unit Test


Algebra is a fundamental tool in mathematics. You need to understand and learn algebraic skills both for word problems as well as shapes problems.

Skriv en saga

Vi kommer att skriva en saga under en lektion, utifrån ett antal glosor och karaktärer som är givna.

Middle Ages- test

Test on history of Middle Ages Students should: demonstrate knowledge and understanding of main historical events during Middle Ages; evaluate sources and critically analyse historical events and processes of the Middle Ages


onsdag 22 november 2017

Week 48

Dear Parents,

Important information: 
(All new information is highlighted)

November 24 Study Day All students are free from school
December 11 Nobel Day More information will be posted later
December 13 Lucia Celebration. A8.45 MYP should be spread out along the B corridors on floor 1 and 2 to watch the procession go by.
December 22 End of Term Celebration
9.30-10.30 All classes meet in their home classroom
10.30-11.30 Concert in the Aula
11.30-12.00  Grades to be given out
12.00-12.30 Lunch
All students end at 12.30

On Managebac week 48
(N.B There can be changes due to a teacher being a way or a need to postpone for an another reason. Don't forget to ask your child at home.)

Powerpoint Presentation -Helen Keller

In this Unit we have discussed and learned why learning a language is so important. We have also learned the different ways to communicate i.e. Speaking, Signs, Sign Language, Braille, Miming and communicating with animals. Your assignment is to make a Powerpoint presentation on Helen Keller and compare it to Louie Braille's form of communication. Given below are some guidelines to assist in making your presentation.

Informative poster

Creating an informative poster using art elements, typography and one design principle. The audience will be students and staff in school. The poster shall communicate The beauty of the beginning and show how the visual/written language have developed . The posters shall demonstrate/express the different languages that are participating in this unit; english, french, spanish, swedish, visual arts and design.

Läsförståelse: Saga

Vi kommer att träna på hur man läser mellan raderna. Eleverna kommer att få göra formativa uppgifter där de diskuterar boken de läser. Den summativa uppgiften blir att läsa en saga och svara på frågor. En gloslista kommer finnas tillgänglig innan för att förbereda sig. Den formativa diskussionen kommer ha övat dem på hur man analyserar en text.

onsdag 15 november 2017

week 47

Dear Parents,
Yesterday we went to Panora to watch Sameblod. The film was connected to our former IDU unit "The beauty of the beginning". The film was about an important episode in the Swedish history, how we treated Samer in the beginning of the 20th Century. It could be that the students would like to discuss it at home, as the film affected us all.

Important information: 
(All new information is highlighted)

November 24 Study Day All students are free from school
December 11 Nobel Day More information will be posted later
December 13 Lucia Celebration. A8.45 MYP should be spread out along the B corridors on floor 1 and 2 to watch the procession go by.
December 22 End of Term Celebration
9.30-10.30 All classes meet in their home classroom
10.30-11.30 Concert in the Aula
11.30-12.00  Grades to be given out
12.00-12.30 Lunch
All students end at 12.30

On Managebac week 47
(N.B There can be changes due to a teacher being a way or a need to postpone for an another reason. Don't forget to ask your child at home.)

Presentation - Hobby

Timeline and source evaluation

Students will evaluate sources and critically analyse historical events and processes of the Middle Ages

How does the size of a ball affect how fast it drops?

Students will be given various size balls that they will need to use to create an investigation that considers the size of a ball and how fast it takes to drop to the floor. The will need to produce a laboratory report that includes both 'raw' and processed data, graphs of the processed data, a conclusion and an evaluation. The work will be submitted to both google classroom and ManageBac. Students will also need to submit work to a plagiarism-checker site.

onsdag 8 november 2017

week 46

Dear Parents,
It's time again for the Student Led Conferences. It will take place on Wednesday November 8 and 15 from 13.00-16.30. A Doodle Invitation has been sent out. Please choose an empty time slot as soon as possible. 

Important information: 
(All new information is highlighted)

  • November 8 at 17.00 in the Aula. Information regarding dropping the Swedish National Curriculum 
  • November 14 at 09:45 - 11:40 We will watch Sameblod at Panora. The school starts as normal but we will walk from school to Panora together.  

On Managebac week 46
(N.B There can be changes due to a teacher being a way or a need to postpone for an another reason. Don't forget to ask your child at home.)

Writing Conclusion and Evaluations using PEE, WWW and EBI sentence statements

The students will have practiced with the reasons for having conclusions and evaluations in class. They will have been show and practiced using PEE, WWW & EBI sentence statements. They are now task to try and apply them to unfamiliar examples.

Music process journal

Upload the music process journal in Classroom.

Presentation of recording

Presentation of recording & music process journal.

Poster om barndomsminne

Vi kommer att göra en poster där vi berättar om ett minne på ett levande sätt. Sedan kommer vi att presentera vår poster.