Choose a short story with a theme of growing and learning.
Analyse the story for structural organisation.
Identify significant language which directly communicates the theme to the audience.
Justify the choice of story you have chosen in relation to the theme by providing a number or examples as evidence.
Create an animated visual representation which communicates your analysis of the theme, the structure of the story and the relationship to the audience.
In this assessment, the audience may refer to you specifically or a general readership.
The theme of growing and learning may refer to a developing maturity or insight gained by either a character in the story or you or both.
In this assessment, you may use the short story text in the video to highlight the theme. You may use relevant words from the story either in spoken or visual form.
The evaluation part of this assessment will be in the form of a questionnaire after the completion of the visual representation.
Video length depends on the story but there is a maximum limit of seven minutes.
Cite all sources in MLA.
Sources will include author, publisher, year and place of publication. You must also cite background studies or written information in the visual animation.
You need to acknowledge all visual resources/tools/apps and you use in making the video.